Costume Distribution Schedule

March 1st, 2025

Schedule: (Siblings can pick up together)

Tiny Tot, Hippity Hopper, Hippity Flip, and Essential Movement Pick Up Time : Between 9:00AM-11:30AM

Petite, Homeschool, and all 5-8 year old classes Pick Up Time: Between 11:30AM-1:30PM

Junior/Senior and all ages 11 and up Pick Up Time: Between 1:30-3:00PM


-Costumes are not stored at the studio. On Saturday, March 1st, we will bring costumes to the studio and hand them out to all students.

-Costumes cannot leave the building without being tried on by the student and signed for by a parent.

-We recommend you wear a leotard to try costumes on, if you are uncomfortable changing in our dressing room. We will use one of the studios to try costumes on. If you choose not to wear a leotard, please keep in mind bathrooms may not be available to try costumes on. Bathrooms are being used as the boy dressing room.

-Only costumes that have sizing issues will be looked at by Ms. Danielle. If you are happy with your costume fit, you do not need to show Ms. Danielle. Before costumes leave the building, parents will sign for them and take them home. Please do not let dancers “play” in their costumes as we are unable to get new ones in time for picture day and recital. 

- If you are unable to make pick up on March 1st, the make up pick up day is Monday, March 3rd between 3:15PM and 3:45PM or 6:30PM and 7:15PM. Or Thursday, March 6th from 6:30-7:15. Please bring patience as the makeup day does require more time due to less staff and space for trying on costumes. An appointment must be made for the makeup day, so we can make sure to have your costume at the studio. If you cannot make the makeup day, costumes can be picked up after spring break by appointment, however any size issues may not be able to be accommodated due to time restraint of getting new costumes.

- Appointments outside of the original pick up day and makeup days cannot be accommodated other than picking up after spring break.

- If you are enrolled in Saturday classes, they will continue as usual on March 1st.  You can pick up your costume before or after class.  

Fill out the form below ONLY if missing original date of 3/1 Read fine print below student name.