Contact for questions.
Picture Day Schedule
April 12th and 13th 2025
Schedule your individual 1 on 1 appointments with our photographer, Cayla Hoskin. Photos will be set up in the Diamond Dance Works building in room 5. All sessions are one on one.
Once you navigate to the photographers page there will be 2 separate links. One link for dancers with 1-2 costumes and one for dancers with 3-6. Time slots are Saturday 9:00-5:00 with a lunch break from 12-1:00. Sunday 9:00-5 with a lunch break from 12-1:00
The competition dance team is not doing group shots. You may schedule individuals at your leisure.
Link below will be live on March 1st. It will not work before that date. We do not have a makeup picture day option at this time.
Click HERE to view details and schedule appointment. All picture day questions should be sent directly to
Picture Day Success Instructions:
Picture Day is for all dancers and is done in costume. Each dancer can schedule a session with the photographer to take photos. A session must be booked ahead of time.
-Please arrive on time, if you are late for your session, the time cannot be made up because all appointments are scheduled back to back. You can choose which costume you are photographed in first. There will be a dressing room for changing costumes.
-Hair and makeup can be however you wish.
-Makeup for pictures should be natural to medium and is your choice for picture day.
- Don’t forget to bring your smile!!